How can they openly support and defend letting millions of people from a religious background that HATES HATES HATES our sexual preferences into our country and expect them to fit right in nice and cozy?
- Macys
Opposed to the millions of Christians already living here that hate homosexuals because of their religious backgrounds?
There's a profound difference between hating particular ideologies within a religion vs. hating all the people of that religion.
And there's a huge difference between pointing out some of the challenges of cultural integration vs. just simply implying that Muslims could never integrate. I really feel it does a great disservice to this much needed dialog when we exercise the soft bigotry of low expectations.
As a liberal, I believe that people have the fundamental right to practice the religion of their choice so long as they're not infringing on anyone else's rights. This is a value that has been effectively taught to - and practiced by - people from every background and culture who've migrated to the West. And in the specific cases where we do see individuals trespassing upon the rights of others we deal with those specific individuals. But, what we DON'T do, is just write off 1.6 Billion people for no reason other than the cultural and religious label they attach to themselves.
Islam is not a monolith. And there's no reason why with the right educational tools and a little tolerance we can't bring hundreds of millions of Muslims into the twenty first century.